Tuesday, September 10, 2013

2013-09-10 Support Committee Minutes

09-10-2013 Elkhart MVS Support Committee Notes
At the home of Mary Miller

Present: Margaret Delueceny, Nelson Kraybill, Art Stoltzfus, Suella Lehman, and Mary Miller
Excused: Dale Ritchie, John Bender

1.     Mary invited responses to: “How has Jesus been alive in your life?”

2.     Review of local orientation:  Suella reported that the National MVS office will send out a survey to the MVSers on the local orientation which will be helpful in evaluating the week.  The committee recognized the importance of having a week to prepare the house for the next group was critical due to some long overdue upkeep on the house.  Preparing the house and having clean (new?) sheets and towels is an important way to welcome the new household.  We agreed to do initial planning for next year’s orientation when feedback is received from the MVSers. 

3.     Support Committee Reports:
a.     Agency Placement:  Art reported that the Memorandum of Understanding has been sent to each of the agencies.  AMBS has changed slightly the number of classes MVSers may audit or take for credit. 
b.     Mentoring:  Nothing to report.
c.     Finance:  Suella provided a preliminary year end 2013 report that reflected a cash surplus of $6,775.  In the near future the MVS National Office will provide a statement the will show the cumulative statement of the Elkhart MVS cash balance.  Suella provided a 2013-2014 budget which reflected a small surplus, but did not include contributions from either PSMC or FOH.  The Committee recommended that the supporting congregations continue their annual budgeted donations. 
Action 1:  FOH and PSMC will be asked to include support for Elkhart MVS ($2,000 PSMC and $1,000 FOH was recommended)
Action 2:  John Bender will be asked to evaluate the Unit Vehicles to determine if a fund needs to be established to acquire a more reliable vehicle.  In addition, he will look at a vehicle maintenance plan.  
d.     Congregation Liaisons:  Nelson and Margaret will develop a plan to have congregational members invite the MVSers for meals. 

4.     Katie asked if it is acceptable to have a short-term leave of absence next spring to be with her family.  The request was supported by the Committee. 

Action 3:  Art will follow up with Katie to integrate the leave of absence into the MOU with CCS.  

5.     Vehicle Usage:  Becky requested mileage reimbursement for her personal car.  The Committee supported this request. 

Action 5.  Art will check with Becky on anticipated mileage per month and have the MVS Unit reimburse her for this cost monthly.   

Next meeting: Tuesday, October 8 at 6:15 for a meal with MVS Unit.  Location TBD

Notes respectfully submitted by Art Stoltzfus

MVS Budget for 2013-2014

MVS Budget for FYE 2014 # Monthly Yearly
Number of 1st year MVSers 2
Number of 2nd year MVSers 2
Total MVSers 4
Associate MVSer 1
Total 5
Agency Income $3,050 $36,600
Revenue / Advocacy Plan $0 $0
Fundraising $0 $0
Associate MVSer room and board $300 $3,600
PSMC ($2k) and FoH ($1k) $250 $3,000
Miscellaneous Income $0 $0
Total income $3,600 $43,200
Rent, JH (4x100) $400 $4,800
Rent, AMBS $115 $1,380
Household purchases $0 $0
Utilities, JH $200 $2,400
Phone/Internet, JH $80 $960
General Liability Insurance $6 $75
Workers Comp Insurance $17 $200
Medical Assessment $760 $9,120
Medical Claims (under $250 per incident) $240 $2,880
Local Unit orientation expenses $17 $200
Retreats (local and regional) expenses $33 $400
Payroll Taxes (7.65%) $39 $471
MVSer Expenses
Stipends - 1st year MVSers $100 $1,200
Stipends - 2nd year MVSers $140 $1,680
Vacation Allowance** $17 $200
Unit Expenses
Food & Household, JH $340 $4,080
Food & Household, AMBS $125 $1,500
Ed/Rec $40 $480
Transportation $175 $2,100
Vehicle $0 $0
Bank Fees $0 $0
Miscellaneous $110 $1,320
Total expenses $2,954 $35,446
Net Surplus / Deficit $646 $7,754
Matt, CCJ 800
Becky, CCJ 500
Becky, AMBS 150
Katie, CCS 800
Seth, CCS 800

SC Flow Chart