Monday, July 1, 2013

2013-07-01 Support Committee Minutes

07-01-2013 Jubilee House Support Committee Minutes
Prairie Street Mennonite Church/Fellowship of Hope

Present: Suella Gerber, Margaret Delucenay, Art Stoltzfus, Jeff Hoover, Mary Miller, Frances Ringenberg, John Bender
Excused: Carmen Kingsley, Dale Ritchie

1.     Suella opened the meeting with prayer.
2.     Art asked each person to reflect on growth edges. What is God saying to you? Each person shared from at least one area of how they’re walking with the question.

3.     Suella introduced a flow chart she created that reflects new divisions of responsibility as the role of the Local Program Coordinator gets collapsed into new Support Committee and wider church member functions. Distinct assignments for Support Committee include: chair, agency contact, mentor facilitator, finance, house maintenance, and congregational listeners (one from each congregation). Providing a mentor for each MVSer and adding congregational listeners are new areas. The congregational listener will function as contact person for the congregation and work to find ways to connect MVSers and congregation. The mentor facilitator would identify, match, and coordinate mentors with MVSers, the purpose to provide emotional and spiritual support. The new plan shares the various aspects of program until now carried by only one or two people. Names people from Support Committee and congregations were proposed to give leadership in each of the roles. (See attachment A).
4.     Suella reviewed a proposed MVS 2013-14 schedule, including plans for our local orientation August 26-30. (See attachment B)
5.     A blessing for outgoing MVSers is planned for August 4. Suella and Frances will work on details of the recognition, including a group photo.
Next meeting: August 12 at 5:30 at FOH. Special meeting with Jubilee Household on July 15 at 7:30.

Minutes respectfully submitted, John Bender