Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2013-11-12 Support Committee Minutes

11-12-13—MVS Unit Support Committee 

(Fellowship of Hope & Prairie Street Mennonite Church)
Meeting at the home of Mary Kathryn Miller
(Couldn’t help list the date as it appears rather than 2013-12-October)
Present: Margaret DeLucenay, Dale Ritchie, Mary Miller, Barb Fridley, John Bender
Excused: Art Stolzfus, Suella Gerber, Nelson Kraybill

1.     Mary read Jesus’ words from Luke 4:18.19 from the MVS Handbook, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, . . .,” closing with a prayer.

2.     Mary welcomed Barb Fridley to her first meeting as a member of the Support Committee from Fellowship of Hope. Mary provided corrections of MVSer contact information and asked for updates of Support Committee contact information, to be added as attachments to the minutes.

3.     The list for Support Committee interaction with MVSers at their Sunday evening meal and meeting, 5:30-8:30, was filled out. The meal is served alternatively at Jubilee House and Becky’s apartment 35 at AMBS. Schedule: Nov. 17 (JH) Dale; Nov. 24 (A35) Art; Dec. 1 (JH) Suella; Dec. 8, (A35), John;  Dec. 15 (JH) Mary; Dec. 22 (A35) Margaret; Dec. 29 (JH) Dale; Jan. 5 (A35) Barb; Jan. 12 (JH) John; Jan. 19 (A35) Mary; Jan. 26 (JH) open; Feb. 2 (A35) Barb.

4.     The MVS retreat report was deferred to December. Art and Suella attended part-time.

5.     Agreed that John will confer with Everence Advocate Al Longenecker and Elder Carolyn Smith on seeking matching funds from Everence on PSMC contributions toward MVSer losses (additional to FOH contribution).  

6.     Agreed that Dale will buy the 1992 Chevrolet Lumina van for $300. Also agreed that Dale will look to buy a suitable replacement vehicle at an upcoming auction in a price range up to $3000. A church member has agreed to help with the cost of a different vehicle.

(Nov. 13 breaking news: Rex Hooley contacted Prairie Street today to offer a 2005 Chevy Cobalt LS in response to a note he saw somewhere “that the MVS unit is looking for a small car.” PTL!  He and his wife, Marty Lehman, are willing to donate the car in exchange for a tax receipt.  Transfer of title for the gift is projected for next week when Marty returns from a business trip).

7.     Mary reviewed the financial report. In the past 11 months the budget has improved from a negative balance of almost $9,000 to a positive balance of some $5,000. Agreed to designate $400 annually for vehicle maintenance for the car and white van. If the number seems low it’s because Dale keeps good tabs on what needs to be done and gets it done at low or no cost to the MVS budget (meaning he graciously covers some of the cost.)

8.     Covenant review. John presented a revised draft of a document to guide both aspirations and accountability of MVSers each year. The revised title is “MVSer commitment as part of the Elkhart MVS Unit.” The Elkhart MVS Support structure chart for 2013-14 further illumines the function and roles of Support Committee members.

9.     Joy Detweiler, administrative assistant at PSMC, has a list of households ready to host the unit for a meal once a month.

10.  Next meeting: Potluck meal with unit on Monday, Dec. 9 at 6pm. Future meals and Support Committee meetings are proposed, given that the schedule is clear, for the second Tuesday of the month.

Minutes respectfully submitted, John Bender

Contact information for VSers and SC members

Elkhart MVS Unit, August 2013 – August 2014
Becky Schaller (birthdate: 1/13)
3003 Benham Ave., Apt 35
Elkhart, IN 46517
Mentor: Becky Miller, 537-0443; pdlski@hotmail.com

Jubilee House, 1320 Prairie Street, Elkhart, IN 46516; 574-294-4967
Matt Cordella (bd 12/4)
Mentor: Alan Kreider, 574-522-1838; akreider@ambs.edu

Daniel Foxvog (bd 6/25), Associate

Katie Jantzen (bd 11/18)
Mentor: Elaine Miller, 574-295-4315; elaineg.miller@gmail.com

Seth Martin (bd 10/16)
Mentor: John Graber, 574-215-0934; jcgraber8@yahoo.com

Support Committee
John Bender
206 Marine Ave
Elkhart, IN 46516
574-293-3453 Home; 574-327-9090 Cell

Margaret DeLucenay
P.O. Box 41
Elkhart, IN 46515

Barb Fridley
401 W Wolf Ave
Elkhart, IN 46516

Nelson Kraybill
26103 Vista Lane
Elkhart, IN 46517
574-293-2391 Home
574-293-2391 Work

Suella Lehman
116 S 7th St
Goshen, IN 46526

Mary Kathryn Miller
3100 Benham Ave
Elkhart, IN 46517

Dale Ritchie
56319 Thomas Ct
Elkhart, IN 46516

Art Stoltzfus
808 Strong Ave
Elkhart, IN 46514
574-370-7197 Cell

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

2013-09-10 Support Committee Minutes

09-10-2013 Elkhart MVS Support Committee Notes
At the home of Mary Miller

Present: Margaret Delueceny, Nelson Kraybill, Art Stoltzfus, Suella Lehman, and Mary Miller
Excused: Dale Ritchie, John Bender

1.     Mary invited responses to: “How has Jesus been alive in your life?”

2.     Review of local orientation:  Suella reported that the National MVS office will send out a survey to the MVSers on the local orientation which will be helpful in evaluating the week.  The committee recognized the importance of having a week to prepare the house for the next group was critical due to some long overdue upkeep on the house.  Preparing the house and having clean (new?) sheets and towels is an important way to welcome the new household.  We agreed to do initial planning for next year’s orientation when feedback is received from the MVSers. 

3.     Support Committee Reports:
a.     Agency Placement:  Art reported that the Memorandum of Understanding has been sent to each of the agencies.  AMBS has changed slightly the number of classes MVSers may audit or take for credit. 
b.     Mentoring:  Nothing to report.
c.     Finance:  Suella provided a preliminary year end 2013 report that reflected a cash surplus of $6,775.  In the near future the MVS National Office will provide a statement the will show the cumulative statement of the Elkhart MVS cash balance.  Suella provided a 2013-2014 budget which reflected a small surplus, but did not include contributions from either PSMC or FOH.  The Committee recommended that the supporting congregations continue their annual budgeted donations. 
Action 1:  FOH and PSMC will be asked to include support for Elkhart MVS ($2,000 PSMC and $1,000 FOH was recommended)
Action 2:  John Bender will be asked to evaluate the Unit Vehicles to determine if a fund needs to be established to acquire a more reliable vehicle.  In addition, he will look at a vehicle maintenance plan.  
d.     Congregation Liaisons:  Nelson and Margaret will develop a plan to have congregational members invite the MVSers for meals. 

4.     Katie asked if it is acceptable to have a short-term leave of absence next spring to be with her family.  The request was supported by the Committee. 

Action 3:  Art will follow up with Katie to integrate the leave of absence into the MOU with CCS.  

5.     Vehicle Usage:  Becky requested mileage reimbursement for her personal car.  The Committee supported this request. 

Action 5.  Art will check with Becky on anticipated mileage per month and have the MVS Unit reimburse her for this cost monthly.   

Next meeting: Tuesday, October 8 at 6:15 for a meal with MVS Unit.  Location TBD

Notes respectfully submitted by Art Stoltzfus

MVS Budget for 2013-2014

MVS Budget for FYE 2014 # Monthly Yearly
Number of 1st year MVSers 2
Number of 2nd year MVSers 2
Total MVSers 4
Associate MVSer 1
Total 5
Agency Income $3,050 $36,600
Revenue / Advocacy Plan $0 $0
Fundraising $0 $0
Associate MVSer room and board $300 $3,600
PSMC ($2k) and FoH ($1k) $250 $3,000
Miscellaneous Income $0 $0
Total income $3,600 $43,200
Rent, JH (4x100) $400 $4,800
Rent, AMBS $115 $1,380
Household purchases $0 $0
Utilities, JH $200 $2,400
Phone/Internet, JH $80 $960
General Liability Insurance $6 $75
Workers Comp Insurance $17 $200
Medical Assessment $760 $9,120
Medical Claims (under $250 per incident) $240 $2,880
Local Unit orientation expenses $17 $200
Retreats (local and regional) expenses $33 $400
Payroll Taxes (7.65%) $39 $471
MVSer Expenses
Stipends - 1st year MVSers $100 $1,200
Stipends - 2nd year MVSers $140 $1,680
Vacation Allowance** $17 $200
Unit Expenses
Food & Household, JH $340 $4,080
Food & Household, AMBS $125 $1,500
Ed/Rec $40 $480
Transportation $175 $2,100
Vehicle $0 $0
Bank Fees $0 $0
Miscellaneous $110 $1,320
Total expenses $2,954 $35,446
Net Surplus / Deficit $646 $7,754
Matt, CCJ 800
Becky, CCJ 500
Becky, AMBS 150
Katie, CCS 800
Seth, CCS 800

SC Flow Chart

Thursday, August 1, 2013

MVS 2013-14 Schedule:

MVS 2013-14 Schedule:
a.     August 19, exiting MVSers complete and move out of JH
b.     August 20-24, house is prepared for new MVSers
c.     August 25, new MVSers arrive; new term begins
d.     August 26-30, local orientation see below
e.     September 1, welcome and blessing in worship followed by carry-in meal at PSMC; September 15 at FoH
f.      September 2, begin assignments
g.     September 15, welcome and blessing in worship followed by carry-in meal at FoH
h.     October 24-27, regional retreat/orientation
i.      December 29-30, household retreat
j.      March 6-9, 2014, local leaders gathering
k.     May 2-3, 2014 (first weekend) regional retreat

Elkhart MVS Orientation schedule
·      Arrive and move in; dinner together as unit
·      Lunch with mentors? Or another day; mentors will initiate.
·      SC hosts unit for dinner Informal time to learn to know each other. Talk about vision/mission of Elkhart MVS and SC structure.
·      1-4:30 p.m. telling faith stories, with mentors and pastors present

·      1-3 p.m. conversation about communication and conflict styles Anna Ruth? Others?
·      To Catholic Worker house 5-8 “Come around 4:30 or 5:00 to help cook a little and talk to staff during dinner prep, then have dinner at 6:30 and stay for prayer if you like around 7:30.” MVSers only or others?
·      Morning, lectio visio with Sylvie Gudin, 9-noon
·      1-2 p.m. conversation about community, led by Joanna Shenk others?
·      2 - ? Unit conversation and creating community covenant with others? See below.

To schedule during the week:
·      Exploring the neighborhood—around JH and AMBS
·      Going to placements (Matthew and Seth) for introductions, training, etc.
·      Visiting churches to learn about congregational life

For September:
·      Learn about the history and issues of Elkhart, People’s History of Elkhart
·      Mennonite Church history, John Bender?
·      Tour of Elkhart County, with Krieders? Nick?
·      Dinner with former MVSers, hosted by Nicole and Maisha

Covenant making—how will we live together as the Elkhart MVS unit?
How will we live out/be our mission, vision, and values? (This incomplete list is meant to stimulate conversation...from big imagining to the mundane of everyday. The conversation will not be finished and not all the issues covered...it will continue through the year!)
·      What kind of community do I/we want to be as a unit? What will it look like?
§  What does it mean to be an MVS unit? A Mennonite/Christian unit?
§  What are the distinctions between unit and households?
·      What kind of relationships do I/we want to have with each other? With our neighbors? With PSMC and FoH? With the broader Elkhart community?
·      What does it mean to be thriving, healing, saved? As a community? Individuals in community?
·      How do we want to grow and journey this year? How will we support each other? How will we be accountable to each other?
·      How do we live with differences—gender, age, experience, opinions, preferences, ways of communicating and investing, etc.?
·      How will we extend hospitality? To the neighbors? The congregations? The community?
·      How do we live and make choices that are just and sustainable?
·      What is the role of eating together? Praying together? Playing? Grocery shopping? Cooking? Working (housekeeping)?
§  How often shall we eat together?
§  When and how will we play?

·      What will our unit meetings look like? How often will we meet? For how long? Who will lead the meetings? How do we set agenda?
·      What about spiritual practices? As individuals? As a unit? As a part of the supporting congregations?
·      How will we keep the house clean?
·      How will we make decisions about money and keep track of spending and budget? Who will be the unit treasurer?
·      What about overnight guests?
·      Will there be alcohol in the house?
·      How will the car be shared?
·      Other?

Outcome: Elkhart MVS Unit Covenant, a list of commitments that the household agrees to make, as individuals and as a community. (The document is, at some level, always a working document, that can be revised during the course of the year.)
The practices I/we will commit to this year:
·      Unit practices:
·      Personal practices:
·      Community practices:
·      Congregational practices:

Materials provided by
Getting acquainted                                  
Local leadership
History/Issues of (location)                  
Local leadership
Explore (location) neighborhood         
Local leadership
Introduction to the host church           
Local leadership
Anti-Racism training                            
MVS Staff - Regional Retreats Oct 24-27
MVS Overview
·      Support Structures (Local Leadership, Advocates)  
·      Financial Structure
·      Health Plan
MVS Staff – Local orientation
Mission Principals                                     
Christian Service – Local orientation
Christian Formation/Community Life
Christian Service – Local orientation
MMN Structure 
Christian Service – Local orientation
Enneagram / personality test 
Materials will be provided for local leaders by MVS to assist with this exercise. A follow-up discussion of personality tests and the impact this has on group dynamics will be had at Regional Retreats.
Local leadership/Regional Retreats Oct 24-27
Recruitment presentation
Faith Stories
Local leadership
Vocational Discernment?
MVS Staff – Regional Retreats
AmeriCorps/Loan Deferment
MVS Staff – Local orientation